Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Secret of Corporate Life that nobody can suceed dieting (not that I'm on one, but...). During my first week, there was a baby shower with a whimsical cake adorned with a tiny plastic baby. And a pair of plastic boots, too. And the very mother of baby shower brought chocolate and vanilla cupcakes the day after. Last monday was some sort of conference with catered lunch. Hence, leftover brownies were all over the kitchen. Yesterday was somebody's birthday; inevitably, a sheet of birthday cake was brought in and consumed in a record time. Today was somebody else's going away party. The cake was a state of art: the layers of chocolate cake, chocolate mouse, vanila cake, custard cream, butter cream frosting and dark chocolate to coat the surface. I'm dreading the next week, the valentine's, and the week after, the Mardi Gras.

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